The Archaeological Finds Related to the Pottery Production from Tepe Pardis Reconsidered

Document Type : Original Article


MA of Archaeology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


The first large-scale archaeological study at the Central Plateau of Iran after The Revolution commenced with a reconnaissance survey at the Tehran Plain and excavations at Tepe Pardis, at beginning of the new century. Various types of interdisciplinary approaches were employed to reinforce the archaeological hypothesis augmented by the data gathered at the stratigraphic and horizontal excavations at Tepe Pardis. Almost contemporaneous with these studies, further investigations were carried out in the two major sites of Zagheh and Sialk which provided the excavators with valuable sets of data for a comprehensive study. These well-supported fieldwork studies combined with several up-to-date interdisciplinary techniques and suggestions of new evolutionary practices for a 7000-year-old society should be noticed by international specialists. But as it will discuss in this paper indeed no attention was paid to the hypotheses raised by the excavators mostly because of their non-rational interpretations attributed to the objects and architectural remains found at Tepe Pardis. Of the interesting objects found at the Tepe were sets of adobe structures and a terracotta disk which were all interpreted in the context of the specialized pottery production industry in the 6th to 5th millennia B.C. Based on these miss- interpretations several antedate phenomena imputed to the simple Chalcolithic communities inhabited there which seems they need to be reviewed. In the present account, we will take a closer look at the features introduced as kilns and the disk as a potter's wheel and examine a wide range of developments ascribed to these communities. Finally, upon the available evidence, we suggest new functions for the pre-mentioned items which may fit better with their application.


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